Wednesday, June 27, 2012

air jordan shoes for sale demon hunter Eastern sword is the commissioned

Respect rushed to the hospital. Fei bent to live in the presidential unit Oriental sword and live with him in the hospital the top floor between foot, 200-square-meter suite.
Clever face is very frustrated, people to see that he brought bad news: the mask men and two companions - fat and priests - suddenly disappear from the hospital ward!
The two men are not in the Mu and hospitals, but was sent to the Public Security Bureau to a nearby police hospital. Them only a very slight injury, but the impact of the bullet caused a mild concussion, cause they may be unconscious for a long time. So after a simple processing, they are arranged in an intensive care unit for observation. ably assisted in the hospitals, the ward where the whole floor is controlled.
Two individuals are important witnesses, clever, sent his men to the four most capable police officers divided into two groups take turns to guard them, a guard at the doorway, and another man in the ward to monitor for safety, Each police officer received a 97 automatic rifles, clever but also specifically to the Longfei used to self-defense.
Although the defense is so tight, the result is still defective and two o'clock, to the changing of the guard of police officers found two guards slept like a dead person, that the two suspects already trace seen.
Fei said: Clever nod, Clever thought? I see you've got some spirit, if I have suffered such a heavy injury, will probably not even hum hum not come - if still alive,nike air max boots, paralyzed in bed ...... It seems that the demon hunter really can not use common sense to speculate on the ah!
Fei asked: Clearance records of bird boxes have been found, the date of clearance is two weeks before the clever from his bag took out a bundle of documents handed over to Fei, the latter glanced readily transferred to the Oriental sword.
Wise distracted, then understand Fei do so want him to know, demon hunter Eastern sword is the commissioned, but this innocent child's shoulders can not take up the burden was? Anyway, clever is not sure.
In order to to Longfei know the current situation, clever continued: this box registered consignor is called 'Matsuoka Co., Ltd. company,air jordan shoes for sale, the recipient is a bio-pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.' Karan '- I've checked the company two years ago and went out of business. As for the Corporation, I have to report to the above had, they would pass

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